VI 2021 conference update

Dear friends and colleagues, 

The Victorians Institute is excited to welcome you to Charlotte, NC on October 22-23, 2021 for our rebooted annual conference: “Reflections/Refractions: Victorian(ist) Ways of Seeing.” This conference seeks essays that explore how Victorians saw their world, how they depicted what they saw, and the ways that modern scholars, in turn, see the Victorians. Papers or panels on poetry, prose, nonfiction, biography, digital humanities, or visual art are welcome, as are presentations on the pedagogy and ethics of teaching Victorian literature—during or not during a global pandemic. 

For the full CFP, information about registration, travel, &c, please see the conference website:

Extended Deadline for Submissions: May 15th June 4th, 2021. Please send a 300-word abstract and 1-page c.v. to conference organizers Bonnie Shishko and Casey Cothran at (Word or PDF format). Individual proposals should include contact information. Panel proposals should include contact information for all participants, a synopsis of the panel, and abstracts for all papers.

Confirmed Keynote Speaker: Dr. Amy M. King, St. John’s University 

We look forward to reading your proposals!


Bonnie & Casey

VI 2021 Conference Organizers