
Established in 1971 as a small group for Victorian studies in the southeastern US, the Victorians Institute has grown into an interdisciplinary academic society with a peer-reviewed journal and an annual conference attracting international participation. Read more about its origins, past officers and editors, or the institute’s constitution and bylaws.

Current Officers

President: Bonnie Shishko, Queens University of Charlotte
Vice President: Emily Harbin, Converse University
Secretary: Esther Godfrey, University of South Carolina-Upstate
Treasurer: David Latané, Virginia Commonwealth University

Faculty council members at large

LeeAnne Richardson, Georgia State College
Melissa Schaub, University of North Carolina-Pembroke

Graduate student council members at large

Emily Sferra, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Katherine Stein, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill
Caroline Liebel, University of Delaware

Editor of the Victorians Institute Journal

Albert Pionke, The University of Alabama

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Membership is open to everyone interested in Victorian literature, history, and culture. Our annual conference attracts scholars from around the world. Be part of the conversation! Members also receive the award-winning Victorians Institute Journal.

Dues are only US $25 per year ($30 outside USA).

To join with a check, please send the appropriate amount payable to “Victorians Institute” to

David Latané
Treasurer, Victorians Institute
Department of English
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284-2005
E-mail: dlatane@vcu.edu

To join or renew online, please use the appropriate PayPal method:


Join and automatically renew each year

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Related organizations and resources for Victorian studies.

NAVSA — North American Victorian Studies Association. Includes information about conferences, member publications, and prizes, along with a blog of CFPs and events Of Victorian Interest.

BAVS — events, membership, and conference info for the British Association for Victorian Studies

AVSA — the Australiasian Victorian Studies Association hosts conferences beyond the geographical center for Victorian studies

RSVP — the Research Society for Victorian Periodicals offers conferences, fellowships, and resources for research and teaching, as well as the journal Victorian Periodicals Review

VISAWUS — the Victorian Interdisciplinary Studies Association of Western Canada hosts conferences and publishes a journal, Victorian Review

INCS — the Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies association hosts annual conferences, prizes, and publishes Nineteenth-Century Contexts

Dickens Project — a consortium of universities supporting research and a summer workshop on Dickens studies

Centre for Nineteenth-Century Studies — events at Birkbeck, University of London, and publishers of the open-access journal 19: Interdisciplinary Studies in the Long Nineteenth Century

NINES — peer-reviewed digital collections of nineteenth-century materials and scholarship online

VICTORIA-L — an active email listserv including many thousands of researchers, students, and enthusiasts. Previous questions and answers can be searched in its archive.

JVC Online — an online outpost of the Journal of Victorian Culture including discussion and events

BRANCH — A large online essay collection and timeline on “Britain, Representation, and Nineteenth-Century History”

The Victorian Web — an august web collection of essays, biographies, historical contexts, and more

The Hoarding — a blog devoted to reporting recent work in British Romantic and Victorian literature

The Victorian Society in America — a non-profit organization committed to historic preservation, education, and enjoyment of the US’s nineteenth century heritage

V21 Collective — a breakout group of researchers interested in Victorian studies in context of contemporary issues

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Contact Us

Stay in touch with VI events and other members by subscribing to our mailing list!

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You can also join the VI’s Facebook group.

General inquiries

Cheryl Blake Price
President, Victorians Institute
Department of English
University of North Alabama
UNA Box 5050
215 Willingham Hall
Florence, AL 35632
Email: thevictoriansinstitute@gmail.com

Membership inquiries

David Latané
Treasurer, Victorians Institute
Department of English
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, VA 23284-2005

Victorians Institute Journal

For manuscript submissions, orders for back issues, reprint permission requests, queries about advertising, and other business communications

Albert D. Pionke
Department of English
103 English Building
Box 870244
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487


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